Please come be part of the North side Library Topping Off Ceremony!

Steel beams destined for installation in the new Northside library building.

As the ironwork portion of the Northside Library nears completion, we’d like to invite everyone in the community to come be part of the topping out ceremony which signals the placement of the last iron beam by placing your signature onto the final beam that will be placed in the building.  Although you won’t be able to see the beam once the building is complete, you’ll always know that you are a part of it.

So, come on down to the construction site at 695 Moreland Way in the Rivermark area of Santa Clara, on the grassy area just outside of the fenced construction zone on Thursday, October 25th, anytime between 2:45pm and 6:30pm.  You’ll be able to sign your name to an iron beam, safely away from the construction area, and then that beam will be installed in the building later in the week.

Volunteers, board members of the foundation, and staff will be there to answer any questions you might have about the library or foundation and tell you what you can do to help!