Be A Library Advocate
Your actions and support make a difference.
Become a library advocate today!
All the neighborhoods in Santa Clara deserve access to adequately funded libraries. Santa Clarans deserve open libraries filled with resources and staff to provide quality educational support, cultural programming, and job development programs. In short, a place where all Santa Clarans can fulfill their potential!
Libraries are essential. Libraries are not niceties. They are as integral to our quality of life and well-being as public safety, waste collection, water, and electricity. Libraries build community and make our city and neighborhoods safer and more equal.

Speak Up
Attend Board of Library Trustees meetings, usually held on the first Monday of the month at 6:00pm.
Attend City Council meetings, generally every other Tuesday evening starting at 7:00pm.
Attend Board of Library Trustees meetings, usually held on the first Monday of the month at 6:00pm.
Attend City Council meetings, generally every other Tuesday evening starting at 7:00pm.
Before the pandemic, the Friends of the Library Bookstore was open 64 hours per week. Today, it is open just half of that time, 32 hours per week. We have lost more than half of our Bookstore revenue, and we need to make up that money somehow. Your donations help.
Before the pandemic, the Friends of the Library Bookstore was open 64 hours per week. Today, it is open just half of that time, 32 hours per week. We have lost more than half of our Bookstore revenue, and we need to make up that money somehow. Your donations help.

Even when the store is open, we aren’t getting the same number of shoppers as before. If you are looking for new-to-you books to read, please shop at the Friends of the Library bookstore or our monthly book sales first.
Even when the store is open, we aren’t getting the same number of shoppers as before. If you are looking for new-to-you books to read, please shop at the Friends of the Library bookstore or our monthly book sales first.