Category: Donations

Become a donor and supporter of the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends!

  Thank you for your support of the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends throughout 2024! We are grateful for your book donations, book purchases and the programs you have participated in, like Summer Adventure and Comic Con. Thank you!  Tax dollars enable the very existence of the library, but philanthropic support from donors …

Support your library, support your community

When you are supporting your library, you’re supporting your community. You’re supporting a place for children to learn to read. You’re supporting a place where new immigrants can come to make friends and learn English. You’re supporting a place where kids can get extra STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) lessons. You’re supporting a …

Support healthy eating by donating to the Foundation and Friends

A couple of days before Christmas is *maybe* not the best time to talk about healthy eating… but it is a way the Foundation and Friends has supported The Santa Clara City Library this year. There were a series of classes throughout the last two months, sponsored by Kaiser Permanente and the Foundation and Friends …

Support teens by donating to the Foundation and Friends

Teens in Silicon Valley have so much potential, but opportunity isn’t necessarily equally distributed. The Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends and the Library worked together to give two groups of teens internship opportunities at the library.   Not only did these internships give teens an opportunity to earn money and have jobs. It …