Category: Donations

What’s a philanthropist?

The official definition of a philanthropist is “a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.” When you picture a philanthropist, you might picture someone rich and famous. People like Oprah or MacKenzie Scott or Melinda French Gates. But anyone – including you – …

Donate your books!

Help us raise money for the Santa Clara City Library!   Donate your books to the Foundation and Friends – the library will look them over to see which, if any, they need for the collection. We sell the remaining books, movies, and music to raise money to help the library pay for classes, events, …

Declutter your house by donating your no-longer-wanted books to us!

It’s the new year! If you’re cleaning off your bookshelves, we’d love to have the books you’re no longer reading. Simply bring your books to the Central Park Library during its open hours.   Visit our book donation page if you have questions about donating books to The Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends. …

Today is the day to donate!

If you have not yet donated and are planning to donate to the Santa Clara City Library Foundation and Friends in 2022, today is the day!   When you support the Foundation and Friends, you’re helping us: run our booksales, support Comic Con and Summer Reading, celebrate the Library at Librarypalooza, welcome volunteers and board …