Celebrating Pride

Told in the voice of the head of our Youth Services Department at Central Park Library:

In celebration of Pride, parenting and teen programs were held on June 21 and 22. LGBTQ 101: Importance and Creation of Familial Support featured a panel of young adults from the LGBTQ Youth Space. Their stories were inspiring and really touched members of the audience who had thoughtful questions and comments. It was one of the best parenting programs we have ever had.

The Teen Pride program was a very festive affair. Forty-five teens attended an event full of creative crafts like hand painted fans, bead bracelets, and headband crowns. They also played video and board games. They enjoyed tasty pizza and confetti bundtini cakes. Fantastic gift bags were raffled off.



Amidst all the fun and food was a truly wonderful program. Many came with friends, but that didn’t stop them from making new friends. It was LGBTQ and non queer teens having a great time in a safe and supportive space. One of the best moments was when one of the librarians asked the teens to name organizations that supported LGBTQ youth and one teen replied, “here.” This program was all we had hoped it would be.

There is one more teen Pride program, an after hours showing of Love, Simon, on Friday, June 29 at 7 pm.