“Excellent Tutor Resources” — Reasons to be a Santa Clara Reads Volunteer, #6

“In addition to the handbook and notebook supplied with the Tutor Training, the Read Santa Clara staff and Santa Clara libraries also provide many other resources. For example, each library features an Adult New Reader section which includes a selection of books, some with audio supplements, as well simplified newspapers with worksheets. The Read Santa Clara staff also has an excellent selection of reading, writing, and phonics workbooks for learners to use. Laptop and online resources are also available.

Space to work with your learner is available during regular library hours at both libraries. One of the larger rooms at the Mission Branch is completely devoted to Read Santa Clara activities during library hours. At the Central Branch, tutors can reserve study room space up to 4 weeks in advance.

You’ll be well equipped and supported if you choose to become a Read Santa Clara literacy tutor.” –Pam Leitterman, volunteer tutor

If you’d like to be a Santa Clara adult literacy tutor, get more information from here at the Santa Clara City Library website.