Hotspots: Keeping Santa Clara Online

the Santa Clara City Library foundation and friends has bought and supported wifi hotspots' availability through the santa Clara city library - especially important through the pandemic

2020 was the year that everything moved online. But what if you didn’t have reliable internet? Or what if you suddenly had multiple kids who needed to attend online school while you and your partner were both online for work? Enter: the WiFi hotspots.

A WiFi hotspot is a device that connects to the internet via cell data, so you can use it anywhere. It allows other devices that only use WiFi, like your computer, to have an internet connection anywhere the hotspot can reach a cell signal.

The Foundation and Friends has been helping the Library to fund hotspots – both the devices and the service – for patrons to check out since 2016. During 2020 we bought twenty new hotspots and continued to fund service for the existing devices. This has allowed our community to keep accessing school and work and fun while we have all been stuck at home.

Your support of the Foundation & Friends gives the Library the ability to be flexible when unexpected events (like a global pandemic) happen. Your donation today will help the Library continue to be flexible as the world opens back up.

Thank you for all that you do for your library and your community!