Join us in supporting Silicon Valley Reads!

Join us in supporting Silicon Valley Reads

We are proud to be supporting another year of Silicon Valley Reads! Get a full list of titles and events happening across the libraries in Silicon Valley.

From their website: “The 2023 season signifies the 20th Anniversary of Silicon Valley Reads! It has been an inspiring and dynamic two-decade journey as Silicon Valley Reads identified themes and books that resonated with the community at the time. Over the last two years, when the world experienced a global pandemic, Silicon Valley Reads gave people hope for the future with themes like ‘Connecting’ and ‘The Power of Kindness, Resilience and Hope.’ Our community has persevered and is ready to move forward. For 2023, Silicon Valley Reads will set off on a ‘Journey to New Beginnings.’ “
We hope to see you at some of these events!