Letter from JoAnn

Dear Friends,

What a spring and summer we’ve had! We thanked both our amazing volunteers and the library’s in February. You helped us set a record for Library Giving Day donations in April. And you came to Librarypalooza at the beautiful Triton Museum of Art in May; thank you to both our sponsors and Olivia Allen-Price of KQED for helping make it a wonderful night.

In July, we welcomed three new board members: Lee Broughman, Dr. Barbara Kempeny, and Keith Stattenfield. We also elected the new Executive Committee: Kathy Betts, President, Nancy Toledo, Vice President, Ken Young, Treasurer and Janet Arsenault, Secretary. I look forward to working with this dynamic and committed team.

The library was able to host three dynamic programs this summer with our financial support:

  • Summer Adventure registered over 3,000 children, teens and adults for the popular summer reading program. Thank you to KeyPoint Credit Union and Mission City Community Fund whose support bolstered the Foundation’s contribution.
  • The Library @ the Park and Lunch at the Library summer programs reached a combined 1,600+ children and their families at Montague Park and school sites throughout Santa Clara. Thank you to the California State Library for providing grants to support these programs.

Looking forward, we’re excited for Comic Con to return in October! Central Park Branch Library will be transformed into a festival celebrating graphic novels and pop culture. We hope you will join our community at this free, family-friendly event.

Finally, I want to thank our individual and corporate donors. Your generosity is incredible! These donations along with the proceeds from our book sales are critical to our operation and ability to support the Santa Clara City Library.

So again, thank you! We are so grateful for your support.

Warm regards,