Make November our biggest book donation month of 2015!


We know that you’re planning to clean off your shelves in December and donate all those books and movies and music to the Library’s Foundation & Friends. December is traditionally our largest donation month.

However, this year we want it to be November. Why?

The Santa Clara Central Park Library us going to be open shorter hours (and offer limited services) while it gets new carpeting starting December 9th. This is a wonderful improvement, but our ability to accept donations during December will be limited.

Rather than confuse and frustrate you in December, it will be much easier to bring the CDs and DVDs and books to us in November! Make cleaning off your shelves part of your Thanksgiving preparations, and make November our biggest month for book (and CD and DVD) donations in 2015.


If you have question about donating books or other materials, please visit our book donation page.