One year anniversary of games night!

Early in March, it was the one year anniversary of the Library’s Tabletop Games Social night. From our librarian’s perspective:

Almost 30 people came by to learn new games and make new friends, including adults and families with children. Because we’ve been getting so many more attendees in recent months, some of our regulars have even stepped up to help manage the crowd and teach first-timers a new game.

When [we] began this program, we really just wanted to create a space in the library for adults to relax and make friends through one of our favorite hobbies—tabletop gaming. What began as eight people huddled around a table in Central Studio has grown into a lively event spread across almost the entirety of the second floor landing…. Our group of adult regulars actually met at one of the first game nights, and they now meet up every week at a local games store because a month is simply too long of a wait!

A year ago, [we] would never have imagined that this program could grow to what it is now.

This is a program supported through book sales – when you buy books, it helps the library buy games for this event, along with many other things.

Thank you for making this possible!