Please sign up for the Santa Clara Historic Homes Tour, Friday December 6th

1179 Washington St
The historic Franck Mansion, on Washington Street in Santa Clara, is one of the homes on the tour this year.

The Santa Clara City Library  has often been one of the Santa Clara non-profits that benefits from  the annual Santa Clara Historic Home Tour proceeds.  Tickets for this year’s Home Tour, to be held Friday Dec. 6 , 6-10 p.m. and Saturday Dec. 7, Noon-5 p.m., are now on sale. For those that purchase Early Bird tickets, available during the month of October, there is $10 discount on General admission tickets and a $5 discount on Senior and Student tickets, see:

The homes on this year’s tour will include two 1905 Colonial Revivals, an 1868 Pioneer style with American Colonial, Greek Revival and Italianate details and a modified 1920s era Craftsman Bungalow. One of the Colonial Revivals is the beautiful Franck Mansion which will be charmingly decorated to the theme: “It’s a Zoo Around Here During the Holidays.”  The tour will also include the opportunity to visit the just opened Saint Clare Hook & Ladder Fire Museum.   Each year, the Home Tour brochure is dedicated to the memories of residents long active in the community. This year the dedications will  be in honor of Winnie Hook and Margie Edinger.  The Edinger Family has donated funds, vintage clothing and antiques to the Harris-Lass Museum through the Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara which sponsors the home tour.

For more information view the Santa Clara Historic Home Tour website at: or call the Harris Lass Museum message line at 1-408-249-7905.