Thank you for supporting the Library


Nationwide, many public libraries are limiting their services this year because of drastic budget cuts. However, here in Santa Clara you’ll find the same services available as usual. Why is your Library different? Well, the City’s conservative financial management and the continued strong funding of the Library through the Foundation and Friends are two major reasons.

Whenever you’ve bought a used book at our bookstore or during a Saturday Book Sale, or donated funds or mate- rials, or volunteered with the Foundation & Friends, you have helped strengthen your Library.

With your help, the Santa Clara City Library Foundation & Friends was again able to fund “Brainfuse Online Home- work Help,” the Summer Reading programs, the Kaiser Permanente Health and Wellness Collection, and the “Read Santa Clara”literacy programs—all presented at levels comparable to previous years.

Over $250,000 in donations were raised in the 2008–2009 fiscal year. In fact, during this fiscal year the number of donors who have contributed—and the amount of funds raised—is greater than ever before.

The Foundation & Friends is fortunate to have so many people who care about the Library and help support it. We offer our sincere thanks to all of you for all that you give and for all that you do. To learn more about our organiza- tion, please visit our web site at or call me at 615-2978.

Maria Daane Executive Director