The Donor Tree Branches have been installed in the Northside library branch!

In preparation for the opening later this summer, the donor tree itself has been installed in the Santa Clara Northside Library.  Donors who pledged $500 or $1000 (or more) will be honored in perpetuity with a leaf on this tree with their name.  The leaves themselves are being made and will be ready and installed (for everyone who has contributed to the north-side library campaign and asked to be recognized) by the grand opening.

And, although it’s too late to make a donation and get your name up on this tree for the grand opening, we do still have a couple additional spots available, so if you’d like to get your name, or business, listed here as helping get this library off the ground, the time is now.  Click here or on the “Northside Library / Donate Online” link above.

The Donor Tree at the northside library branch