Category: Donations

Support diverse books and inclusivity by donating today!

You can show your support for diverse books and diversity by donating to the Foundation and Friends! We help the library include everyone in their cultural celebrations, from Lunar New Year celebrations to Pride month to Native American heritage and more. And we couldn’t do it without your donations.   Donate today to support everyone …

Keep the library out in the community by donating today!

The bookmobile was able to go out into Santa Clara this summer because of a grant supporting pop-up library services. This grant kept the bookmobile active in the community, reaching people who maybe couldn’t make it to the library. They visited summer camps and the pool and more.   The Foundation and Friends administered the …

Did you know the library has a hiking collection?

Support exploration! The Foundation and Friends was instrumental in helping the library create the hiking collection. Proceeds from book sales helped fund the hiking backpacks, and we helped administer the California State Library grant that allowed the library to buy the state parks passes that any patron can check out.   These are the kinds …

Support your right to read

The Santa Clara City Library is there to help you find the right book at the right time to fit what you need. Whether that’s an audiobook to make your chores more bearable, a textbook to help you pass that needed class, or simply something to entertain you, your library is here for you.   …

It’s Giving Tuesday!

It’s Giving Tuesday! Today is the day to join with everyone around the world to support the causes you care most about. Support your community and your library today by donating to the Foundation and Friends!