Category: Northside Library

Girls Who Code Graduation

Both the Central and Northside libraries host Girls Who Code clubs. The Santa Clara Library Foundation & Friends supports these groups as needed – Girls Who Code is a great organization. Last spring, we did something simple: we provided food and decorations for the graduation ceremony for six different Girls Who Code clubs in the …

Northside’s Second Anniversary

Last month, we celebrated Northside Library’s 2nd Anniversary! It was a Harry Potter-themed day, and the crowds were huge. It’s blurry, but Northside’s head librarian is full of energy! Supporting Gryffindor Quidditch. Playing quidditch. Doing a Harry Potter-themed craft. We raffled off 4 copies of the new Harry Potter play to raise money! These were …

Teen Scavenger Hunt at Northside

We were happy to provide the prizes for Northside’s Geocache and Scavenger Hunt last week. It sounds like it was both fun and educational: “A clue from our scavenger hunt only took teams to the location. Then people had to scour the location for a hidden envelope,” Ocana says. “There were three teams with seven kids …

Congratulations Angela!

Congratulations to Angela Ocana, one of the amazing librarians at Northside! She is the first-ever recipient of the California Library Association’s Young Adult Services Award. She won because (these are her manager’s words): She exceeds the criteria through her out-of-the-box programs including Teen Chopped Champions, Cupcake Wars, STEM Bowl, and epic nerf war battles. She is passionate …

Where the money goes

Have you ever wondered what we do with the money we make at our book sales? We take it, and twice a year, we grant out part of it to the librarians for some amazing programs and projects. Below is what the librarians asked for this spring.   None of these would be funded without …

Making Northside Better

One of the bigger checks we’ve recently written has been for new lounge furniture and a door at Northside. Check out this fabulous new space! This looks like a great place for people to hang out! Another improvement up at Northside is a simple door. Sometimes teenagers gather at the library to do their homework or …

Giving Tuesday: Teen Council

Teenagers are notorious for being disengaged and uninterested in their communities. In our experience, that’s an incorrect stereotype. The Santa Clara City Library has not one, but two teen councils – groups of teenagers who advise the library on what kind of programs would appeal to teenagers but when they should hold those programs. Sometimes, …