Steel work nearly complete on new Santa Clara Northside library
The first phase of construction of the Northside library is nearing completion, as Bogard Construction has finished the steel superstructure.
The first phase of construction of the Northside library is nearing completion, as Bogard Construction has finished the steel superstructure.
As the ironwork portion of the Northside Library nears completion, we’d like to invite everyone in the community to come be part of the topping out ceremony which signals the placement of the last iron beam by placing your signature onto the final beam that will be placed in the building. Although you won’t be able …
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We are extremely fortunate that the Santa Clara City Library Foundation & Friends currently has sufficient funds for the construction costs and initial collection of the new library. This means we can enjoy a beautiful facility with a basic collection of books, magazines, newspapers, CDs and DVDs that will get the library off to a …
Big news! After a few weeks of prep work after the groundbreaking, construction has begun, and 4000 cubic yards of concrete — that’s about 40 cement trucks full — for the foundation have been poured and are curing. If you’re in the area, stop by and take a look yourself, or tweet us pictures of …
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Everyone is excited to finally break ground for the new northside library. Pictured, left to right, with shovels: Ken Young, Mohammed Nadeem, Barbara Hounslow, Jim Lyons, Will Kennedy, Marty Hull, Rajeev Batra, Kathy Wanatabe, Patricia Mahan, Kevin Moore, Jamie Matthews, Joy Hansen, Maria Danae, Jamie McLeod, Peter Yoon, Keith Stattenfield, Ashish Mangla , Sabiha Chunawala, …